🥐Inclusion should be everybody's cup of tea
The Allyance newsletter provides many useful references on recruitment, diversity and inclusion.
Good morning readers !
The Allyance is launching a new event : “Conversations with The Allyance”. In the wake of our webinars, we will address topics related to diversity and inclusion but this time IRL and not merely online! We shall meet, debate, and get great people together!
The first session will take place on March the 19th at L’Ecole du recrutement with the three following speakers:
Sofia Dahoune, VC and founder of Moroccans in Tech
Karine Lignel, Chief Operating Officer at Oncodesign Precision Medicine
Rayan Nait Mazi, CEO Pruna.ai
We will talk about the importance of investors and venture capitalists (VCs) when it comes to DEI.
🫱🏻🫲🏿 There are only 30 seats left so join us and come to meet🫱🏽🫲
✅ The Allyance newsletter provides many useful references on recruitment, diversity and inclusion. What follows are some articles about Google keeping up the good work on DEI, being a tech worker and going through an assisted reproductive technology journey, AI in recruiting, how to survive as a woman in tech and GDPR issues as a trans person. 3 are articles in English and 2 in French.
⭐️ How Google sticks to its DEI goals
Right after Zoom decided to get rid of its DEI team, it is quite a relief to read Google’s Chief Diversity Officer, Melonie Parker, stating her belief in a workforce that reflects the diversity of its users and the global community. While many tech companies seem eager to put a halt to their DEI efforts, Melonie states : “My advice is for leaders to recognise who is not included at their company and to ensure their workforce reflects the talent that is available externally.”
“Google remains firm in its racial-equity commitments, which include increasing underrepresented groups in leadership by 30% by 2025, and addressing representation issues in hiring, retention and promotions.”
❇️ Navigating Career Doubts as a Male Partner in an ART Journey
Having gone through an assisted reproductive technology (ART) process myself, I was thrilled to read Quentin Sinig’s testimony on how he supported his partner through their journey. Reading a man opening up about an intimate story and the effects it had on the couple’s professional paths is not only refreshing but also useful.
“My partner and I initially agreed to keep our ART journey private, sharing updates exclusively with close family members. However, as the challenges intensified, I decided to break that rule, gradually opening up to a few trusted friends, my former CEO, and eventually my direct teammates. I was hesitant at first, fearing that people would pity me or think I was weak. But what I encountered was far from that.”
🤓 How to use AI tools as a recruiter
Back in 2021, we interviewed Maxime Le Bras, a recruiter at Alan. He said that he was always eager to learn new things and he was not lying! In 2024, Maxime is at the forefront of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the French recruitment community when it comes to. In this video, in French, Maxime explains how he uses ChatGPT to create Boolean searches and qualitative rejection emails and how to be as funny as Jonathan Cohen when interacting with candidates. His tips are hands-on so feel free to try them.
📒 Manuel de survie pour les femmes dans la tech
Florence Chabanois a été recrutée grâce à The Allyance. Son engagement pour une tech plus inclusive force le respect. Le mois dernier, elle a publié un article sur le blog de l’association Duchess. Florence réalise un travail de fond en listant des chiffres, des ressources et des constats pour déjouer les pièges du système dans lequel nous évoluons toutes et tous. Un article à lire (évidemment) mais aussi à partager!
“Je vois de plus en plus de femmes rejoindre l’informatique, et c’est une très bonne chose. Je vois aussi trop de femmes patir de sexisme ordinaire, se remettre en question encore et encore… et quitter le milieu au bout de quelques années. J’ai mis du temps à apprendre certaines choses. Je voudrais vous faire gagner ces dix ans, pour qu’on arrive à une parité réelle dans le secteur numérique. Je m’adresse également à toutes les personnes qui souhaitent voir plus de femmes et personnes non binaires dans leurs équipes.”
🏳️⚧️ La France crée un fichier des personnes trans
La Quadrature du Net réalise un travail d’information crucial sur de nombreux sujets liés à l’informatique et à nos libertés fondamentales. Depuis la publication de cet article fin janvier, je pense beaucoup à l’utilisation potentielle du répertoire national d’identification des personnes physiques (RNIPP) par la police. Cette décision doit nous rendre vigilant·es sur les dérives de l’accès à ces données sensibles.
“Un récent arrêté ministériel autorise la création d’un fichier de recensement des changements d’état civil. Accessible par la police et présenté comme une simplification administrative, ce texte aboutit en réalité à la constitution d’un fichier plus que douteux, centralisant des données très sensibles, et propice à de nombreuses dérives. Le choix de créer un tel fichier pose d’immenses problèmes aussi bien politiquement que juridiquement.”
🔦 The Allyance in the spotlight
Yann Robin, CTO de Bump, revient sur la façon dont The Allyance l’a aidé à recruter de façon plus inclusive. The Allyance a recruté 3 personnes pour ses équipes et continue de les épauler.
“Cette collaboration m’a confirmé que The Allyance partage les valeurs de Bump. The Allyance obtient des résultats avec une approche sincère et vit la DEI profondément.”
🤫 Backstage secrets
✨ Congratulations to Yannick for landing a Senior Developer role !
✨ Max Alonzo landed a CTO role after we coached him.
🕵🏻♀️Morgane, our sourcing expert, has a new job and we wish her the very best. We are proud she spent almost 3 years at The Allyance taking care of our clients and candidates.
🎉 I am currently coaching an experienced Fullstack woman engineer, an Engineering Manager, a ML Ops expert and 3 Product Managers.
🫡I gave a talk entitled “AI Belongs to Women and Minorities” at ESCP for the Executive MBA Program.
You can contact us : contact@theallyance.one
🩷Hot jobs we work on
🫵 Engineering Managers (2)
🫵 Lead Front-End (2)
🫵 UI / UX Designer
🫵 Product Data Manager
🫵 Product Builder (No Code)
More jobs here…
We are preparing lots of new content and I can’t wait to share it with you next month!