🎤 A bit of stand-up comedy and a lot of standing up for each other
The Allyance newsletter provides many useful references on recruitment, diversity and inclusion.
Good morning readers !
Have you ever gone out of your comfort zone?
Last week, I got invited to speak at a recruitment event. Unfortunately, I already had plans for the evening. But, not wanting to miss out, I suggested recording a video about the gender fatigue (spoiler: there is no such thing) expression.
If you understand French, this video will probably make you laugh (🤞). If not, enjoy my acting talent 😝 Last but not least, Madonna has a cameo in it.
✅ The Allyance newsletter provides many useful references on recruitment, diversity and inclusion. Here are some articles about appearance discrimination, team efficiency, queer representation in GenAI, hiring women in India and getting ready for tech interviews …
👔 The scourge of lookism : appearance discrimination in the workplace
Even if French law prohibits discrimination based on bodily appearance, people are discriminated against because they have tattoos, curly hair or are overweight. Not convinced or unsure about it? Read this Aeon article!
“We’d be outraged if a business owner told an employee she wouldn’t receive her bonus unless she lost weight. With most jobs, our looks should be regarded as irrelevant to our suitability and remuneration. What matters is that we have the skills for the job and put them to good use. Yet appearance discrimination, or ‘lookism’, is pervasive and consequential in the workplace. Can lookism in employment ever be justified? And, when it can’t, should we legislate against it.”
🌈 How Generative AI depicts Queer People
I was going to avoid talking about Pride Month because every month is Pride Month (to me) but I read this fascinating study from Wired about the way queer people are depicted by GenAI. The article focuses on Sora, OpenAI’s video tool and MidJourney. In a relevant way, the article states that even if the field of AI is filled with queer experts, the representation generated can be quite cliché… Quite ironic when you know that OpenAI’ CEO is gay.
“How image generators depict humans reflects the data used to train the underlying machine learning algorithms. This data is mostly collected by scraping text and images from the web, where depictions of queer people may already reinforce stereotypical assumptions, like gay men appearing effeminate and lesbian women appearing butch.”
🧩 Opening doors to diversity in India
While preparing a training for Ingersoll Rand about inclusion, I made sure to personalize the content of my slides to the regions where they operate. India is one of their key markets so I found this article which describes how a management leader (Preet Dhupar, Chief Financial Officer at IKEA India) brings about change. When Ikea opened its first store, they only got 20% of female applicants. IKEA India therefore decided to begin “a nationwide hunt for top female talent, reaching out to business networks, organizations and universities. The result is great : a 50:50 split of men to women.”
“If India wants to be a strong economy, then we can’t ignore 50% of the population. But entering the workforce as a woman in India can sometimes be met with skepticism from the surrounding society.”
🪛 23 questions to know if your team functions well
This set of 23 questions provided by the Harvard Business Review is going to be useful for managers or people leading teams because it will help you determine if your team is efficient! “75% of cross-department teams are dysfunctional. Some of the reasons for failure include problems with coordination, motivation, and competition — as well as waiting too long to address these issues.”
Two examples :
Our results tend to exceed clients' expectations of quantity, quality, and timeliness.
Our group has open, constructive discussions about disagreements or problems.
⭐ Conseils pour trouver un travail dans la tech
Yannick Grenzinger est un développeur expérimenté qui a cherché assidûment un poste avant d’être recruté chez PayFit en tant qu’Engineering Manager. Avec 18 ans d’expérience, la recherche s’est avérée pleine d’obstacles et de déceptions. Heureusement, Yannick a croisé le chemin de The Allyance. Grâce à mon coaching, il a abordé les entretiens différemment.
Yannick a rédigé un article à mettre dans les mains de toutes les développeuses et de tous les développeurs pour préparer leurs entretiens techniques.
“Vous allez avoir beaucoup de frustration, de rejets, parfois la personne en face n’est pas de bonne humeur et n’importe quelle raison sera la bonne pour arrêter la. Sur 18 candidatures, je n’ai finalement eu que 3 propositions.”
🩷 The Allyance community
The Allyance invited a few of the people the company has helped for an informal get-together. We celebrated The Allyance’s fourth anniversary! 📸 Gaëlle Cloarec
🤫 Backstage secrets
✨ Congratulations to Rebecca, Nicole, Marie-Alice and Alexandra for starting a new role !
✨ Congratulations to Charles for his AI Lead role at a promising startup !
🏆 I am coaching an AI Engineering Manager, a Principal Engineer, a Senior Front-End Engineer and a former friend from Sciences Po.
🚨 I shared all the tools we use at The Allyance with promotion codes for hiring tools such as Amazing Hiring (sourcing) and Shine (bank account).
🚀 I gave a talk about inclusion alongside Laury Maurice, CEO at Shodo. She doubled the number of female engineers working at her company.
You can contact us : contact@theallyance.one
🩷Hot jobs we are working on
🫵 Staff Engineer (Back-End)
🫵 Senior Data Engineer
🫵 Fullstack Lead (Crawling)
🫵 Senior Python Engineer
🫵 Senior Product Manager
More jobs here…